The Writer's Help Desk

S2 E4: Editing The Rose A Reality TV Romance, how to know when you should stop editing and publish your book!

CWD Season 2 Episode 4
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00:00 | 12:13

In this season of The Writer's Help Desk, I'm taking you Behind the Scenes so you can see the processes that I used to get from idea to published with my up-and-coming novel The Rose A Reality TV Romance.

There are lots of things I learnt, things that worked really well, that I use now when I'm writing my new books. There are things I would do differently, too.

In episode 4 I delve into editing, when to know when to stop, the psychology of getting published, and one BIG lesson I learnt along the way.

This season takes you inside my life, a sneak peek at what was going on life-wise in my world as I wrote The Rose, and gives you some encouragement that you can do it too!

For more information about The Rose A Reality TV Romance, and to tell me your thoughts and ask me your questions - head to

Thanks for listening!
CWD + Zoe Shackleton ;)

PS: If you want your free download of The Rose Extras, 11 Behind the Scenes Short Stories from The Rose A Reality TV romance, then head to 

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