The Writer's Help Desk
No matter where you are on your writing journey we juggle our dreams with the reality of everyday life. Do you want to know how stories come into being? How do the words get on the page? Who puts them there? Where to start, and what you really need in your Writer's Toolbox that very few people will tell you about...That's the magic you're going to discover here on The Writer's Help Desk!
The Writer's Help Desk
S2 E2: Writing the 1st Draft of The Rose - tips you can use to write your 1st draft
Season 2
Episode 2
In this season of The Writer's Help Desk, I'm taking you Behind the Scenes so you can see the processes that I used to get from idea to published with my up-and-coming novel The Rose A Reality TV Romance.
There are lots of things I learnt, things that worked really well, that I use now when I'm writing my new books. There are things I would do differently, too.
This takes you inside my life, a sneak peek at what was going on life-wise in my world as I wrote The Rose, and gives you some encouragement that you can do it too!
For more information about The Rose A Reality TV Romance and to tell me your thoughts and ask me your questions - head to DustyStories.com
Thanks for listening!
CWD + Zoe Shackleton ;)