The Writer's Help Desk
No matter where you are on your writing journey we juggle our dreams with the reality of everyday life. Do you want to know how stories come into being? How do the words get on the page? Who puts them there? Where to start, and what you really need in your Writer's Toolbox that very few people will tell you about...That's the magic you're going to discover here on The Writer's Help Desk!
The Writer's Help Desk
S1 E8: The Writer's Toolbox - Connecting with Other Writers - 5 places to look
Season 1
Episode 8
Writing can be a lonely, isolating thing to get involved in. You may not know anyone in your town or city who writes. So, where do you look for connections and people to talk to about your passion?
I'm covering a few places to look for connections that will add spice to your life...
- The Writer's Help Desk - Email, Facebook
- Writers With Lives Facebook Group
- Search for - Writers Societies, or local writing groups
- NaNoWriMo
- StoryOrigin
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Taking it one step at a time,