The Writer's Help Desk
The Writer's Help Desk
S1 E7: The Writer's Toolbox - Your Writing Roadmap - First Drafts and Editing
There's a lot of terminology when you first start writing or researching how to write; from first drafts to all the different kinds of editing, alpha and beta readers, plotting and pantsing, and so much more, it's easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start.
This episode gives you some tips on how to focus on first things first, which is getting your first draft down onto the page!
We also chat about the different kinds of editing too.
There's a whole season's worth of content we touch on, but this is an overview so you always have the big picture in mind and know where you are on your writing journey.
My aim, as always, is to help you;
- Start writing
- Build your confidence in your own writing ability and creative choices
- Keep going when life happens
- Stay motivated when you're finding it tough
- Avoid getting stuck by knowing what to expect
- Finish your writing!
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Taking it one step at a time,